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來源:http://www.apstzs.com/ 時間:2022-09-30

Concrete mixer is an industrial vehicle, so it is very important to make inspection regulations. Next, let's take a look at what items are inspected in the work of concrete mixer!
1. Do not damage the heavy truck on the road, or it will be troublesome if the tank is stuffy. Generally, the concrete can not be stopped for more than two hours, and the concrete of higher grade C40 can not be stopped.
2. Before ignition, check the engine oil, antifreeze, lubricating oil and cooling water, and add them again if insufficient.
3. After the concrete mixer truck is started, let the tank rotate at a low speed, check the tire pressure around the truck to see if there is a leaking tire, and then use a screwdriver to remove the gravel in the tire seam for inspection.
4. Are there nails stuck in the tire.
5. Check the light again, especially the waist light, to ensure that it can shine on the edge of the tire as much as possible. The construction site will often pile up reinforcement and other items, and the tire side is weak.
6. Wipe the rear-view mirrors and window glass on both sides with a towel. The road conditions on the construction site are complex and the light is not good. The vision should be guaranteed first.
7. Clean the dust on the inside and outside of the mixing drum, the pouring door, and the hopper, and clean them with water. Stop the hopper on the transport part, and plug the brake system pin. There should be no dirt in the hopper. Disconnect the power supply, turn off the electrical equipment control box, and consider filling each lubrication point with special lubricating oil as appropriate. Drain all the water stored in the constant pressure water supply system.
Strict specifications are important for the safe use of concrete mixer trucks. I hope you can check the vehicles according to the above inspection regulations, and more relevant matters will come to our website http://www.apstzs.com Consult!
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作者:中科聚峰混凝土攪拌車廠家 時間:2022-09-30

Concrete mixer is an industrial vehicle, so it is very important to make inspection regulations. Next, let's take a look at what items are inspected in the work of concrete mixer!
1. Do not damage the heavy truck on the road, or it will be troublesome if the tank is stuffy. Generally, the concrete can not be stopped for more than two hours, and the concrete of higher grade C40 can not be stopped.
2. Before ignition, check the engine oil, antifreeze, lubricating oil and cooling water, and add them again if insufficient.
3. After the concrete mixer truck is started, let the tank rotate at a low speed, check the tire pressure around the truck to see if there is a leaking tire, and then use a screwdriver to remove the gravel in the tire seam for inspection.
4. Are there nails stuck in the tire.
5. Check the light again, especially the waist light, to ensure that it can shine on the edge of the tire as much as possible. The construction site will often pile up reinforcement and other items, and the tire side is weak.
6. Wipe the rear-view mirrors and window glass on both sides with a towel. The road conditions on the construction site are complex and the light is not good. The vision should be guaranteed first.
7. Clean the dust on the inside and outside of the mixing drum, the pouring door, and the hopper, and clean them with water. Stop the hopper on the transport part, and plug the brake system pin. There should be no dirt in the hopper. Disconnect the power supply, turn off the electrical equipment control box, and consider filling each lubrication point with special lubricating oil as appropriate. Drain all the water stored in the constant pressure water supply system.
Strict specifications are important for the safe use of concrete mixer trucks. I hope you can check the vehicles according to the above inspection regulations, and more relevant matters will come to our website http://www.apstzs.com Consult!


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