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來(lái)源:http://www.apstzs.com/ 時(shí)間:2022-01-13

The large volume of the tank not only affects the cost of purchasing the vehicle, but also affects the vehicle performance. The driving safety factor is low. The larger the tank, the higher the center of gravity, and the poor vehicle stability. Therefore, the owner friends should select the appropriate concrete mixer according to the working conditions, environment, economic benefits, performance, safety and other factors.
First of all, the volume of concrete mixer truck can not be simply regarded as the volume of tank, but should be clearly distinguished by three concepts:
Geometric volume of mixer truck: the actual geometric volume in the mixing drum refers to the geometric volume calculated by mathematical method during the design of mixing tank.
Mixing dynamic volume: the amount of ready mixed concrete that can be transported by the mixer truck (calculated by the volume after tamping). It can be regarded as the concrete volume that can be unloaded by the mixer truck when it arrives at the project site. The capacity of ready mixed concrete is calculated as 2400KG / m3.
Mixing volume: the mixer truck is placed in a horizontal position, and the mixing bucket can hold the largest concrete materials (including water) that have not been mixed, and can mix the amount transported to the concrete (calculated by the volume after tamping).
The relationship between the three should be: geometric volume of the mixer > mixing volume > mixing volume. The volume often mentioned by users should refer to the mixing volume. Therefore, when purchasing the mixer, pay attention to distinguish the mixing volume of the vehicle.
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作者:中科聚峰混凝土攪拌車(chē)廠(chǎng)家 時(shí)間:2022-01-13

The large volume of the tank not only affects the cost of purchasing the vehicle, but also affects the vehicle performance. The driving safety factor is low. The larger the tank, the higher the center of gravity, and the poor vehicle stability. Therefore, the owner friends should select the appropriate concrete mixer according to the working conditions, environment, economic benefits, performance, safety and other factors.
First of all, the volume of concrete mixer truck can not be simply regarded as the volume of tank, but should be clearly distinguished by three concepts:
Geometric volume of mixer truck: the actual geometric volume in the mixing drum refers to the geometric volume calculated by mathematical method during the design of mixing tank.
Mixing dynamic volume: the amount of ready mixed concrete that can be transported by the mixer truck (calculated by the volume after tamping). It can be regarded as the concrete volume that can be unloaded by the mixer truck when it arrives at the project site. The capacity of ready mixed concrete is calculated as 2400KG / m3.
Mixing volume: the mixer truck is placed in a horizontal position, and the mixing bucket can hold the largest concrete materials (including water) that have not been mixed, and can mix the amount transported to the concrete (calculated by the volume after tamping).
The relationship between the three should be: geometric volume of the mixer > mixing volume > mixing volume. The volume often mentioned by users should refer to the mixing volume. Therefore, when purchasing the mixer, pay attention to distinguish the mixing volume of the vehicle.


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