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來(lái)源:http://www.apstzs.com/ 時(shí)間:2022-10-17

The fully automatic mixer is generally a small and medium-sized, discrete concrete construction site machine, which can be used in remote rural, mountainous, outdoor and other complex environmental conditions. It is mainly applicable to two fields. Let's have a look with Xiaobian next!
1. First, in the field of construction, automatic feeding, intelligent formula and mixing can save a lot of labor, and can be operated by one person. This kind of mixer is easy to operate, saving time and labor.
2. The second is feed mixing. Some large feed factories can also use this for feed mixing. It also saves time and labor, reduces personnel costs, and has a good control over feed proportion.
Problems needing attention in use:
1. The automatic feeding mixer shall stop on the flat ground and place the bucket on the ground. When the engine is off, pull the operating handle of the working device repeatedly to ensure that each hydraulic cylinder is in a pressure free rest state. When the automatic feeding mixer can only stop on the ramp, the tire shall be firmly padded.
2. After the automatic feeding mixer stops working, the operator will place various handles in the neutral or middle position.
3. Remove the electric lock key first, then turn off the main power switch, and then close the doors and windows.
4. It is forbidden to park the automatic feeding mixer in the area with open fire or high temperature to prevent the tire from being heated and exploding, which may cause accidents.
5. When inflating the tire with the combination valve or air receiver, people shall not stand on the front of the tire of the automatic feeding mixer to prevent explosion injury.
In addition, you should check the engine oil, antifreeze, lubricating oil and cooling water before lighting the fire. If you find that they are insufficient, you should add them again. Come to our website for more related matters http://www.apstzs.com Consult!
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作者:中科聚峰混凝土攪拌車(chē)廠(chǎng)家 時(shí)間:2022-10-17

The fully automatic mixer is generally a small and medium-sized, discrete concrete construction site machine, which can be used in remote rural, mountainous, outdoor and other complex environmental conditions. It is mainly applicable to two fields. Let's have a look with Xiaobian next!
1. First, in the field of construction, automatic feeding, intelligent formula and mixing can save a lot of labor, and can be operated by one person. This kind of mixer is easy to operate, saving time and labor.
2. The second is feed mixing. Some large feed factories can also use this for feed mixing. It also saves time and labor, reduces personnel costs, and has a good control over feed proportion.
Problems needing attention in use:
1. The automatic feeding mixer shall stop on the flat ground and place the bucket on the ground. When the engine is off, pull the operating handle of the working device repeatedly to ensure that each hydraulic cylinder is in a pressure free rest state. When the automatic feeding mixer can only stop on the ramp, the tire shall be firmly padded.
2. After the automatic feeding mixer stops working, the operator will place various handles in the neutral or middle position.
3. Remove the electric lock key first, then turn off the main power switch, and then close the doors and windows.
4. It is forbidden to park the automatic feeding mixer in the area with open fire or high temperature to prevent the tire from being heated and exploding, which may cause accidents.
5. When inflating the tire with the combination valve or air receiver, people shall not stand on the front of the tire of the automatic feeding mixer to prevent explosion injury.
In addition, you should check the engine oil, antifreeze, lubricating oil and cooling water before lighting the fire. If you find that they are insufficient, you should add them again. Come to our website for more related matters http://www.apstzs.com Consult!


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